Co-ordinate and Physical Bonds
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لمشاهدة و تحميل مذكرة الشرح نسخة PDF اضغط هنا
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سوف نتحدث في هذه المذكرة عن:
تشمل المذكرة أخر نوع من الروابط الكيميائية Coordinate bonds مع مقارنتها مع الروابط التساهمية Covalent bond
Example :
( 1 ) hydronium lon ( hydroxonium ) H3O+
Is formed when a strong acid is dissolved in water :
( 2 ) Ammonium ion ( NH4 ) + :
Is formed when Ammonia gas is dissolved in water.
الجزء الثاني من المذكرة يتحدث عن الروابط الفيزيائية Physical Bonds و أنواعها Hydrogen & Metallic bonds
Explanation of hydrogen bond in water :
1. oxygen atoms has small volume , so it has high electronegativity ( 3.5 ) , while electronegativity of hydrogen is 2.1 . so oxygen atom will carry a ( partial -ve )charge , while hydrogen atom will carry a (partial +ve ) charge .
2. hydrogen bond is formed due to the attraction force between one hydrogen atom of one molecule and one oxygen atom of another molecule , so molecule of water are collected by hydrogen bonds , so water exists in a liquid state and has high boiling point .
V- Metallic Bond (between atoms of metal in the metallic structure):
· The free valence electrons of the outer shell are associated together forming an electron cloud which decreases the repulsion force between (+ve) ions in the metallic structure. The strength of the metallic bond depends on no of free valance electrons. As the no of free valence electrons increases, the atoms of metal will be strongly bonded, so the metal will be harder, of higher melting & boiling points and higher thermal and electrical conductivity.
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